The Project

The idea of ​​the project was born from the recognition of a primary problem detectable in modern societies, where young people are often isolated from their communities. They have interests and practice disciplines (such as those related to Hip Hop culture) often considered by “adults” not “serious” and even «Dangerous» (ie associated with a misconception of negative environments). On the other hand, local communities they are not able to communicate effectively with their young people to communicate all the values handed down from generation to generation.
Starting from this point, two Italian associations (former collaborators) and two other associations foreign countries have promoted the definition of a partnership aimed at combating this problem, through an innovative approach that seeks to connect young people and local communities.

In this way, on the one hand, young people will be able to explain how the disciplines they love are actually rich in positive values ​​(eg. Non-discrimination, no-gender, inclusion, equality, cultural knowledge), while on the other the local communities may be able to present the own traditions, history and cultural values ​​in an attractive way for young people. Taking advantage of collaborations existing between partners and existing links between local communities (such as Alba and Banska Bystrika are twin cities since 1969), the project consortium will consolidate a European network of Hip Hop festivals, some of which already existing (and with an audience with an excellent response, due to the high interest in this discipline).
This partnership will also benefit from the fact that Breaking and Skateboarding have been admitted to Olympic Games of 2024.
Through this Cooperation Project, the Consortium sets itself multiple objectives:

  1. Create multiple opportunities to involve young people in promoting hip hop and gods culture
    its values
  2. Promote the artistic skills of young artists
  3. Promote an intersectoral cultural experience for the territories involved
    All the above elements confirm that the design idea could be extremely
    effective in addressing the problem detected, with the strong added value of a partnership
    transnational, which at the same time will promote youth mobility, exchange of experiences and
    a better understanding of what it means to be a European citizen.